Friday, June 19, 2015

Courtney Love Meets Dramatic Jim Morrison

        I. Love. This. DRESS!!!!! Its so "babydoll chic" and Courtney Love. My favorite part is the sleeves and the slight boning around the bodice. Here I am in the dress, in a Jim Morrison pose. Sans leather pants.

   Bein' Bored. I love models, but it gets annoying how  there poses are usually limited to far gazes and slouchy posture. Vogue  has had a lot of awesome editorials with models in fun, lively poses, with actual smiles. If they get all the outfits they want and any rock star boyfriend they desire, they should be smiling!
   Stephanie Seymour: Are you a model?
   Courtney Love: Are you a brain surgeon?

1 comment:

  1. Very cool! Yor hair is amazing!! Have a wonderful week sweetie!
