So, Yves Saint Laurent is like my latest obsession. I like the old stuff (as I usually do with any designer. but Lagerfeld has done some cool new stuff with Chanel. ugh i mentioned Chanel again) most. I design a lot of clothes in my notebook. I even have a folder somewhere. Gotta find that. Anyway, but his stuff really reminds me of a lot of my own designs. He would go all out colors and floral insanity, and then do a super low key suit. And unlike designers like Chanel or Dior, you can't just say what his designs are, or what his style is. Like with Dior, it's the Hour Glass. But with him, he goes all over. Some of the stuff is a bit to loud for me (and that's saying something) but most of it is Calm Quirkiness (I love my made up phrase!).
I kind of like that. He kept people guessing. When someone would try to pinpoint his style, he'd make something completely new. I think it's fine when a designer doesn't keep to one style, but what I don't like is when certain a designer, well, leaves this world, and another takes their place, and makes stuff that is totally not that designer and doesn't try to keep that designer's inspiration at heart. You can't help but put some of your own style into it, but when you completely abandon it like that? (CHANEL SNEAKERS? REALLY?).
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